I help freelance designers to Achieve a Healthy Life-work balance

Without sacrificing their income.

By helping them to realise;

You are not actually a freelancer. You're a CEO.

And you need to start acting like it.

How It Works

I help freelance designers to step into the role of CEO. My signature S.I.M.P.L.I.F.Y framework allows you to get specific on what will move you closer to your goals - on your terms - and I'll teach you the strategies to create a successful freelance business, without the burnout.


The Freedom and flexibility to run your business on your terms starts with taking stock of where you're currently at and transforming your mindset from freelancer to CEO.

Figure out what you want and how to get there.


Successfully selling premium offers stems from the confidence and ability to believe in your value.

Uncover your unique superpower and position yourself as the authority so you never undercharge again.


Now you understand your unique value and how to utilise value-based pricing, you can setup systems to automate client processes from discovery, and nurturing to inquiry and sales.


The key to setting boundaries and avoiding scope creep is knowing where you draw the line ahead of time.

It's possible to not only get clients to agree to boundaries - but to actually see them as a good thing too!


Client experience is everything. Generate raving fans, word-of-mouth referrals and repeat customers by setting up your project management system.


Develop and implement the ideal client attraction system to ensure a consistent workload that never requires sending another cold pitch again 🥴


Hellloooo life-work balance. This is part where you put your client attraction content into automated marketing systems that work when you’re not (like when you’re sipping coconuts on a beach in Thailand).


The time has come to take time off. No need for panic!

You’ve prepared your systems and processes to run without you.

Simply put, it's freelancing, simplified.


Here's what some recent Clients had to say about working together;


'The overwhelm is starting to melt away.'

I found the programme very straightforward and extremely personalised. I really enjoyed it, and have already started implementing some of Vicki's tips, and the overwhelm is starting to melt away. Vicki really took the time to get to know my business, with all of its intricacies, which I think is really commendable considering I sent her a long business plan and a pitch deck before our meeting. I was impressed by her ability to come up with solutions to my problems quickly and explain them in a way that didn't make me feel stupid or overwhelmed.


'I would recommend Vicki any day!'

Vicki is simply amazing. Her commitment and level of expertise is exceptional. Getting the opportunity to work with her has been a blessing. Not only does she respond to the issues raised from my point of view, but she also goes the extra mile to provide additional support / advice which has been extremely beneficial. I would recommend Vicki any day!!!!

A straight 5/5 score for her👍


'I know what I need to do next now, after being clueless beforehand!'

I highly recommend Vicki. From the information on the website to arranging our initial call, it’s been so easy and efficient (very important to me). I was incredibly nervous about sharing my idea but I really didn’t need to be. Vicki was so prepared, she came with quality suggestions and advice and I couldn’t have asked for more. The follow up notes are clear and exactly what we discussed. I know what I need to do next now, after being clueless beforehand! Thank you Vicki. I look forward to working with you again.

Hi, I'm Vicki

And I know a thing or two about being burned out, stressed out and on the verge of quitting.....and how to overcome it too.

In 2016, I launched my freelance business, hoping to take the 12 years of corporate experience I had and turn it into a business that would give me the work-life balance I dreamed of.

At the start, there was a lot of struggle, being treated badly by Clients, earning below minimum wage and working more than I ever had before. Just as I was reaching breaking point, I made a last ditch attempt at saving my business and turned to my strategic training as a fashion buyer. The rest as they say, is history.

When I changed my thinking, became the CEO I needed to be and started thinking strategically, logically and with a desired return on investment in mind, everything changed.

Within 1 short year I went from stressed out and constantly worrying about money, to enjoying life, working less and having financial security.

And that's why I set up Freelancing Simplified. Because working smarter, not harder will give you the freedom freelancers crave.

I've been seen IN


Get tips and ideas for how to run your freelance business in a way that works for you.



Over the years, I've turned my freelance business into an organise, systemised, automated machine that generates leads while I sleep. And I want that for you as well!

I couldn't achieve life-work balance without tools, so I'm sharing what those are in my free freelancer guide.


Follow Along On My New Instagram Channel

Freelancing Simplified has just joined the world of social media and I'll be sharing tips, tricks and behind the scenes of my own business to equip you with the strategies to move your freelance business forward.


Email contact@vickiwallis.com

Or click here to schedule a discovery call.